DCM is Closed for Lessons March 13-19. Lessons resume March 20

We offer safe in-person and virtual lesson options for music lessons, recording and more!
Email us at info@deepcovemusic.com or call us at 604-929-2683. Our storefront is open
Monday-Friday from 3:00pm-9:00pm Click here for any Covid-19 Safety Updates & Requirements
We have done a lot of research and talked to a lot of BCCDC representatives (BC Centre for Disease Control) to learn about what protocols we can take to be as safe as possible, and what to do in case any of our clients, staff or anyone else comes into contact with COVID-19. Because of this extensive research we are confident that with our strict precautions, we can continue running our studios safety! We wanted to share our research to help our clients stay educated about this, as well as to reinforce some of our precautions
The BCCDC (BC Centre for Disease Control) rates people into 3 categories. A, B and C people and these are based on levels of exposure to COVID-19 and have different protocol requirements:
Exposure: people who have been in "close proximity" to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19
Close Proximity: someone not wearing a mask, who has been 6ft or less from someone with COVID-19, who also had not been wearing a mask, for 15 minutes or more. Also, if someone has spent time at a location while NOT wearing a mask, where a person with COVID-19 has NOT been wearing a mask, and has potentially left infected droplets on a surface (such as a bathroom counter or door knob) and has not sanitized properly may be considered to have been in “close proximity” and may have had “exposure”.

Because all of our in-person lessons require masks, constant sanitization, and virtual lessons for anyone with any sickness symptoms or exposure to the virus, the BC CDC has deemed us a low risk for exposure.
“A" people: are people that have tested positive for COVID-19
1. Must quarantine for 14 days and monitor for symptoms.
2. If necessary follow protocols to visit doctors or hospital if necessary.
“B”people: are people who have been in “close proximity” to someone with COVID-19 and may have had “exposure” to COVID-19.
1. Must quarantine for 14 days and monitor for symptoms.
2. If symptoms are observed, go get a test.
3. If positive, a “B” person becomes an “A” person.
“C” people: are people who been in “close proximity” to a “B” person.
1. Should monitor for symptoms but DOES NOT need to quarantine
2. If symptoms are observed, go get a test.
NOTE: anyone observing symptoms (regardless of being an A, B, or C person or not) should go get a test.
1. Every person who enters DCM MUST wear a mask at all times and sanitize upon entry and exit.
2. Students MUST sign in to confirm screening questions and have their temperature taken and recorded. Screening Questions:
1. Has your child had close contact with someone in the past 14 days who has been diagnosed with, or is presumed to have, COVID-19?
2. Is your child exhibiting any flu-like symptoms (coughing, shortness of breath, fever) or is otherwise feeling unwell?
If the answer is Yes to any of these questions, we require you to take your lesson virtually instead
3. Teachers and Admin regularly sanitize lesson surfaces, shared surfaces and all used gear & Door knobs between lessons
We are very committed to keeping the music alive in a safe and responsible way so that our clients can focusing on worrying about the best ways to rock out instead of anything else!
Update: Nov 2020
DCM Is committed to providing our lessons with the highest safety standard and compliance possible
We understand that everyone's choices to be safe and to follow and new directives and COVID-19 Safety precautions are of high importance so we want to clarify any questions or concerns about lessons and programs with all of our clients.
We have very carefully reviewed the restrictions linked here for the next two weeks (as of Nov. 9th, 2020). As we are not included in the current restrictions, we are able to continue with our classes
We are following suite with the local schools and continuing operations and lessons with the confidence that our strict adherence to our in-house safety precautions are of the highest quality and importance to all staff and students.
We are also continuing the option to offer virtual lessons to anyone who chooses to use this form of lessons, or exhibits any sickness symptoms

COVID-19 Safety Adjustments
We know times are tough so we have done everything in our power to make this a safe practice for everyone. Things we have done to improve the health and safety for our staff and students are:
Masks are required for both staff and students
We provide special face screen masks for vocal lessons!
Temperatures will be taken and recorded upon entry
Social distancing is being practiced and we will not allow lessons in a smaller room without consent from all parties
All surfaces, door knobs, and instruments are being wiped down and sanitized between every lesson
Teachers and staff are washing and sanitizing their hands whenever they can
We have set room capacity limits for each of our rooms
If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding our safety and health process, please let us know by emailing us below. We want everyone to feel safe so they can enjoy their short time in music instruction.